root: / 2006 / 09_september / burning_man / waffle_burn /
001 waffle house waits to burn 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 22:08:01 002 starts burning in the back 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:22:27 003 getting hotter 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:24:40 004 more flames 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:24:48 005 and still hoter 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:25:10 006 flames go to the left side 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:26:58 007 flames begin to get insanely hot 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:27:20 008 burn 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:27:39 009 the east side begins to collapse 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:27:42 010 it collapses 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:27:45 011 and keeps burning and getting hotter 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:27:49 012 weee fire 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:27:52 013 more fire 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:27:55 014 still burning 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:27:57 015 and burning 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:28:02 016 and burning 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:28:09 017 the fireballs keep going upwards 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:28:14 018 lighting up the smoke as they burn 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:28:36 019 more fire 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:28:44 020 and more fire 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:29:00 021 still burning 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:29:20 022 and burning 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:29:27 023 and burning 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:29:34 024 knocked down and burning now 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:30:46 025 and still burning 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:31:08 026 some major hot bits still remain 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:31:20 027 more burning 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:31:25 028 watching the burn 20060903.jpg - 2006:09:03 23:31:52

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